fitness myths

Top 5 Fitness Myths Debunked

Top 5 Fitness Myths Debunked No matter where you look, there’s fitness advice just about everywhere. That makes it difficult to know what’s actually true and what is really nonsense. There are a lot of fitness myths out there and it’s important for you to be able to spot them. In short, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Who Is Making the Claim? First, any time you see someone making a claim about fitness online, you should look into who is saying it. Doing some quick basic research will uncover whether the person is a ...
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home exercise

Is It Better to Work Out at a Gym or at Home?

Is It Better to Workout at a Gym or at Home? The age-old question when it comes to fitness: is it better to work out at a gym or at home? Often, this is the first question people ask themselves when they decide they want to start improving their fitness. There are definitely benefits to each approach. It’s not about which option is better overall but rather which option is better for you personally.  Going to a gym is certainly not the only way to get in a great workout. An at-home workout can be just as effective. It’s pretty ...
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California trainers

California Personal Trainer

Southern California Personal Trainer People work with personal trainers for a variety of reasons. Maybe you want to learn the proper weight lifting form or how to do a new type of exercise. Or maybe you don’t understand why what you’re currently doing isn’t producing the results you are hoping for. Whether it’s weight loss you’re looking for or adding some bulk, it is achievable with a personal trainer. They can compare your current routine to your goals to make sure you are on the right track. If you aren’t, they can show you exactly what you should be doing ...
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Fitness coach

Florida Personal Trainer

Florida Personal Trainer Your favorite Miami Dolphins players aren’t the only people who can have access to a personal trainer. You can too! Instead of heading to the gym unsure of what kinds of exercises you should be doing to reach your goals, a personal trainer can guide you. They can set you up with a personalized plan based on your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, and more. All of this makes the idea of working out much more appealing. Plus, your trainer will act as an extra motivator to keep you on track towards meeting your goals. Florida​​ In Home ...
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best virtual workouts

Is Virtual Fitness the New Trend? 

Curious about virtual fitness and eager to learn more? We’ve got you covered. Virtual fitness has been around for a very long time but has recently become a popular trend among many due to the pandemic. A lot of people had to figure out how to get their fitness in when the gyms were being closed with some opting to carve out space for exercise equipment in empty corners of their houses. In this article, we will talk all about virtual fitness, as well as how to find the perfect virtual fitness trainer at Right Fit Personal Training!  What is ...
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find a trainer

Finding a Trainer You Like

What do I do if I can’t find a trainer near me that I like?  It can be hard to find a trainer who will be attentive to your unique fitness goals and needs. Luckily, RightFit Personal training is here to help. We can help connect you with a highly specialized top personal trainer- all free of charge! In this article, we’ll explain the process of connecting with a top personal trainer as well as how RightFit Training can help you find the perfect trainer for your own personal goals, schedule, and routine. But first, let’s explore some tips to ...
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Virtual Corporate Fitness Classes – RightFit Personal Training

COVID-19 has been difficult for businesses across all industries. Revenues are down, employees are getting furloughed, and our uncertain future spikes fear and anxiety. RightFit Personal Training is here to help through this difficult time. We are currently offering live and on demand virtual fitness classes for corporate clients. From Yoga to Total Body Bootcamp, your team can participate in our classes from the comfort of their own living rooms. Our virtual classes offer a great option to help your office stay connected in a fun and healthy manner. If you are interested in offering virtual classes for your company, contact ...
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Yoga pose

Self-Care Checklist

Have you thought about your self-care routine lately? With the start of a new season, it’s a great time to revise your day-to-day and make sure your daily practices are benefiting you. It’s easy to fall into bad habits without realizing it and it’s important to combat those bad habits before they begin to really affect you. Exercise Routine According to Healthline, adults should aim for 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of high intensity aerobic exercise each week. Running, walking, swimming and biking are all forms of effective aerobic activity. Additionally, adults ...
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