1. Stay hydrated with pure filtered water. Add lemon and you’ll keep your body hydrated and alkalized
2. Explore the great outdoors. Make a list of outdoor exercises you can do like swimming, playing tennis, going for a nature walk in the woods or bike riding.
3. Eat smaller meals frequently. Its easier on your digestive system especially on those hot summer days
4. Dont forget to breathe especially if you are exercising outdoors and the humidity is high. Breathing properly can actually energize you.
5.Love yourself – a happy, healthy attitude goes a long way to feeling good.
6. Have fun and enjoy your summer exercising, eating healthy and loving your self. Comes fall you will feel Fabulous!
Summer Nutrition Tip: try this recipe in your blender to enhance hydration and digestion.
Dydration Cooler
2 cups of Watermelon(seedless)
1 apple
1/4 cup of Ginger
1 tablespoon of Lemon
1 tablespoon of Lime
5-6 Mint leaves
Training to achieve a healthy/fit body weight to body fat ratio, as well as some sort of regular aerobic training(even walking regularly) are a great Summer Training Tip. People often neglect to realize how much cooler this makes you feel! I’m NOT saying “Get Ripped”, just simply “trim your garden and give it some love..and water (hydrate)”