Certified Personal Trainer Austin Interview | Paul Fink

Paul Fink is a Certified Personal Trainer in Austin, TX.

GCertified Austin Trainer Paul Finket to know this week’s RightFit Personal Training featured trainer, Paul Fink. Paul has over 20 years of weight training and endurance training experience and has over 10 years of group instruction and personal training experience.

Why did you become a personal trainer?

After working in the civil engineering field for 11 years, mostly sitting in front of a computer 8-10 hrs a day, I knew that I needed a change. I was always into fitness and even trained people as a side job, but was never willing to become a trainer full time. Then I became a father but also got laid off from my job, I needed to figure out how to watch the baby and work, that’s when I decided to become a trainer. I can work while my wife watched the kids and vice versa. I feel much greater fulfillment as a trainer, truly helping people get healthy all the while I’ve been able to be an involved parent.

What are your favorite things about being a personal trainer?

The moment when my clients tell me how much better they feel after working with me. Flexibility of the job. Being my own boss. Being active for a job.

If you could train one celebrity, who would it be and why? 

Conan O’Brien, it would be hilarious training him.

If you had one workout style to describe yourself, what would it be? 

High intensity mix of strength and cardio.

View all Personal Trainers in the Austin area to find the right fit for you.


Austin, TXIn your mind, what is the single biggest benefit for someone to hire a personal trainer?

Keeping clients encouraged on the right fitness track.

What are your hobbies?

Martial arts and motorcycles.

Any guilty pleasures?

Ice cream, watching cartoons.

Contact Paul today to schedule a risk-free introductory session. If you are looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall quality of life, a RightFit Personal Trainer will help you set and achieve your health and fitness goals.